Our Services
We know each woman is different, so we offer a range of services to help you on your journey.
Counselling Sessions
We will provide 10 free 50 minute sessions, where you will have the opportunity to speak with a counsellor.
Social Events
Our social events are designed for mums to have some adult time with other mums and to provide an environment where you can bring your child/children.
Mums Chat
A monthly forum where we discuss a topic of interest, hosted by a professional in the relevant field.
Coaching & Alternative Therapy
Our experienced therapists will work with you to identify the key areas for support. They will choose the most appropriate style of therapy to support your needs and focus on reaching your goals.
Check-in Service
We know motherhood can often be a lonely journey. Our check in service is a dedicated line where we provide a safe space for you to speak to someone.
Blog Page
Our blog page will provide an opportunity for mums to share their stories and experiences. Get in touch if you would like to be featured on our page.

“Keep taking time for yourself until you're you again.” – Lalah Delia